Birth of Clarity #22
Getting to the root cause is the game changer.
For me it was feeling unworthy of love. The feeling was so painful that I "comforted" myself with things I could consume.
Drugs, food, gaming, and TV were my vices.
But I was feeding a hungry ghost, or zombie in contemporary mythology. It can never be satisfied.
Love was my game changer, loving myself, accepting the love of my family and friends.
Most recently accepting the love of God has broken the back of many lingering desires for comfort.
The root has been discovered and now is being healed. ❤️🙏🏻
The firefighter comparison really stuck with me. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for reading :)
The substance is merely the symptom as you clearly point out.
Getting to the root cause is the game changer.
For me it was feeling unworthy of love. The feeling was so painful that I "comforted" myself with things I could consume.
Drugs, food, gaming, and TV were my vices.
But I was feeding a hungry ghost, or zombie in contemporary mythology. It can never be satisfied.
Love was my game changer, loving myself, accepting the love of my family and friends.
Most recently accepting the love of God has broken the back of many lingering desires for comfort.
The root has been discovered and now is being healed. ❤️🙏🏻
The firefighter comparison really stuck with me. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for reading :)
The substance is merely the symptom as you clearly point out.