Welcome to the Birth of Clarity newsletter.
Today is a throwback to 2019 and the first-ever newsletter I wrote on Substack. In fact, it was the first time I’d ever written a newsletter!
I’d had some experience with writing blogs but I’d never built an email list for people to receive my stories straight into their inbox.
As I mentioned, I’ve been on Substack since the early days, before it was cool!
However, a lack of consistency during a rough period - which I touched upon in the latest premium newsletter - has now meant that I find myself trying to find my groove again, retain and gain readers and find my place back on this platform.
With your help though, I’m sure the Birth of Clarity newsletter can be successful once again.
So, let's jump back to 2019 where you will be learning all about Abstract Algebra.
Nope? Don't fancy that?
OK, we'll put that on the back burner for now (and never return to it... ever!)
Please check out the AFF Newsletter here where I write raw and honest articles aimed at helping dads overcome alcohol addiction (& much more):
Right, I think I know why you're really here, thank you again by the way, it's because you want some raw, honest content.
I recently gave a talk about my addiction recovery journey in front of a room full of men (and two ladies).
I was humbled to be asked and grateful for the opportunity to share my story. The aim of my talk was to highlight to people that recovery from alcohol addiction is possible. I wanted to convey the message that they're not alone and although I’d hit rock bottom, I was still standing and felt stronger than ever.
I actually wanted to start the talk by saying, "Can someone get me a drink? It'll calm my nerves."
But I thought better of it!
Anyway, I shared my experiences and the madness drink had caused me over the years.
I recounted a particular story where I used to try and get my wife to control my drinking for me!
If we were out with friends I would ask her to sneak water into the rounds every so often so I wouldn't end up drinking so much.
Insane, right? Unsurprisingly, it didn't work!
Every time I would take a sip of the water, I knew.
And I wasn't impressed by this act of treason. How dare my wife give me water!
I would totally forget what I'd told her at the beginning of the night. I would then argue with her for not getting me a "real" drink and I would storm off to the bar to buy myself two strong drinks to make up for it. One to have at the bar and the other to bring back with me to the group.
Now, this is a pretty crazy example but there is a lesson you can learn from my experience here:
You are responsible for yourself, no one else.
Have a look at your own lives now…
Do you take responsibility for yourself and your actions?
Do you hide behind someone else when times get tough?
You can't expect others to do the work for you.
Whether it's something as simple as applying for a job or something serious like trying to control an addiction.
You have to take responsibility.
If something is too hard for you to do,
Face your fear and ask for help.
In some cases, it could be the difference between life and death.
I speak from experience.
Whether it's for those simple things or the more serious issues, you need to open up and share.
You need to find your tribe.
Thank you for reading this flashback article. The one that started it all.
If you have any questions and/or would like to get in touch, I'd love to hear from you.
Thanks for reading,